Sales - Contact person

Our Sales Team is always available for your inquiries.  Simply contact us, we will be happy to advise you:

Roland Schindecker
Sales management national and international

Tel.: +43 6235 6116 30
Fax: +43 6235 6529
Mobil: +43 664 4310 329
E-Mail: roland.schindecker (at)

Wolfgang Riessberger
Sales international

Tel.: +43 6235 6116 59
Fax: +43 6235 6529
Mobil: +43 664 2453502
E-Mail: wolfgang.riessberger (at)

Andreas Friedl
Sales administration

Tel.: +43 6235 6116 21
Fax: +43 6235 6529
Mobil: +43 664 5174349
E-Mail: andreas.friedl (at)

Robert Kaser
Sales international

Tel.: +43 6235 6116 22
Fax: +43 6235 6529
Mobil: +43 664 8515 577
E-Mail: robert.kaser (at)

Eva-Maria Grössinger
Sales administration

Tel.: +43 6235 6116 28
Fax: +43 6235 6529
E-Mail: sales (at)


Katharina Nömer
Sales administration

Tel.: +43 6235 6116 15
Fax: +43 6235 6529
E-Mail: katharina.noemer (at)

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